“In fact, to take time to think is to gain time to live.” 
― Nancy Kline, Time to Think: Listening to Ignite the Human Mind ― 


As ICF credentialed coach, I am your dedicated listener. Empathy, curiosity and an irrepressible will to get the best out of people are my driving forces. Based on your objectives, I develop a tailor-made coaching process and apply scientifically based approaches and tools. With over 25 years of C-level experience, I understand your business context. Nevertheless, I would like to support you and your team as a "naive expert" in finding your own solutions.


Typical questions are:

  • Management and leadership: How do I lead now? How do I want to lead? What are suitable options? What opportunities and obstacles await me? What steps will I take?
  • How do I manage transitions? From employee to founder? From founder to CEO? From working life to retirement?
  • How do I successfully design the first 100 days in a new (leadership) role?
  • What makes my team efficient? And what disturbs cooperation? What about trust, ability to deal with conflict, commitment, accountability, and focus on outcome?
  • Post Merger Integration: How will the cultures of the two organizations be blended together? What are the key differences in values, norms, and ways of working that need to be addressed? How will communication be handled during the integration process? What information will be shared with employees, when and how often? How will roles and responsibilities be defined and aligned between the two teams? How will decisions be made about who will take on key leadership positions? How will talent be assessed and retained from both organizations? How will the change process be managed to minimize disruption and ensure a smooth transition? 
  • How do I go about planning and managing a career change? What direction do I want to take and how do I get there? How can I minimize uncertainties and gain a clearer perspective?



From Production Director to Founder

"To be able to move confidently from being an employee to establishing my own business was a real barrier for me. I carried a great deal of self doubt and did not feel that I had a clear direction that I wanted to take. My sessions with Martine were something of an awakening. Martine has the rare ability to understand your needs very quickly and was able to create a plan that brought a real clarity to my thinking and a renewed confidence that I had the skills and ability to be able to make a success of running my own business. I left each session feeling energised, optimistic and excited for the future and I wouldn't hesitate to work with Martine again."

Master Student & Founder plans first Career Step

"At first, I wasn't aware of how much I needed coaching until I had my first session. It was a profound experience that helped boost my confidence and identify my hidden values and goals, enabling me to put them into clear words. Martine's questions helped me recognize my personal strengths and weaknesses, and define my skills and values. Ultimately, coaching helped me find a clear direction for my career and plan my first steps after graduation. This experience was incredibly enriching and supported me in pursuing my professional goals confidently and purposefully."

CEO practices

"The coaching experience with Martine was simply wonderful! She helped me greatly even before the sessions started, both with planning and identifying the most important topics for me. This experience and the beautiful, supportive collaboration continued in a great atmosphere throughout the sessions. With tact, professionalism, support, and excellent preparation, Martine helped me recognize the important aspects of my work-life balance. Through targeted questioning and always being an attentive listener, our shared hours were a real highlight and the best means of finding and maintaining a 100% focused equilibrium in the future!"

How to proceed - I look forward to meeting you!

For companies

When coaching is commissioned by a company, it is important to clarify the objectives and expectations of those involved. I am pleased to offer the following initial consultations for 1:1 coaching:

Initial meeting with the sponsor. The sponsor could, for example, be the superior or a representative from Human Resources. We clarify the objectives and expectations (incl. ROI), approach, scope and costs of coaching, as well as confidentiality and communication.

Initial meeting with the client (coachee). This conversation is about the coachee's perspective on goals and expectations as well as building the relationship and trust.

Triad meeting with coachee, sponsor, and coach. In this discussion, we ensure that all parties have the same understanding of the collaboration.

For individuals

Let's schedule an initial consultation and clarify the purpose of our collaboration:

We need to get to know each other and build trust, as we will be working closely together.

What exactly do you want to achieve and in what time frame? What is truly important to you?

If we both agree that collaboration is a good idea, we still need to work out the details: What is the scope, what are the costs, and how will we work together? Coaching sessions can take place online or in person in Gräfelfing and Munich.

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